Services Just for Builders
CBC Services
We are committed to partnering with local builders and developers to help them grow. We’ve created a unique set of analytical tools to help our builder partners accomplish their growth goals. CBC invests in short-term, residential, real estate deals throughout the greater Boston region and seacoast New Hampshire and Maine.
Quick Flip Tool
Provides quick analysis of deal profitability.
Budget Tool
Our internal budgeting tool ensures the builder has not overlooked any major cost items.
Development Analyzer
CBC has developed an in-depth development model which accounts for site work, construction costs, soft costs and the timing of various construction phases.
Spec Check Tool
Our extensive specification checklist ensures nothing is overlooked on fit and finish.
Region Economics
CBC provides all builder partners with advanced analytics on specific city and town economic and demographic data, helping identify desirable communities.
Roadblock Check Tool
A checklist of due diligence items to identify and confirm that no unexpected zoning or municipal issues arise. This checklist has been developed through years of experience in the field.
Market Statistics
Deep statistics on all of the key indicators within out local markets.
Apply With CBC
All of these tools are available to our builders, along with the expertise and advice of the CBC team. We aren’t simply a lender, but a partner in your success. Apply today with CBC using our Quick Flip tool and let us show what it’s like to work with a lender partner.